Monday, July 30, 2012

Class 7: How not to Juggle Cats. . .

If you are wondering whether or not I sympathize with the crazy amount of work you are all doing in such a short period of time, I can assure you I not only understand, but sympathize as well.  With my day job, teaching summer school, my family, and life in general, I find hours and sometimes days pass and I wonder where the time goes. . .The best we can all do is our best.  I applied for the Google Teacher Academy New York late last night. . .I had to submit a one-minute video and fill out the application. . .I think I submitted it at exactly 11:59pm (the time I had set aside to complete this was truncated by a soccer tournament and a girl scout project).  I'm sure my application and video were too rushed to get me in, but I gave it a shot. . .I definitely didn't have the time to create the type of video I wanted to. . .I even had to enlist the aid of my children to play the "cute kid" card in hopes of selling myself. . . This morning, I created a Kony-inspired image in hopes of overcoming the shaky video. . .oh well. . .maybe next year.

Tonight, you should be ready to present your NETS-S Prezi presentations to your peers. . .the Google Form assessment should be ready as well.  I will take time at the beginning of class to ensure you can get the Prezi, the assessment, and the link to the results on a blog page. You will then present to a small group of peers in the same grade range.  You should also have plenty of other assignments to keep you busy. . .I have read and commented on most of the NETS collaborative narratives.  I hope to have them all read with feedback by class time.  I can tell you that I really think everyone would benefit from looking at past student samples to serve as a guide for how to write the paragraphs. . .The only new assignment this evening will be the Cybersafety Collaborative Website. . .I will discuss this in class and show you some past student samples. . .the good news is that each of you will only be responsible for one page of the website.

Tonight's Question:  How do you feel about single-gender schools?  Are you for them, against or neutral?  Any personal experience?


  1. The Catholic church has done it successfully over the centuries. There is no reason why it cannot be done, but for the fact that we have too many special interests in our country that objects to anything they feel threatens them. The boys and girls scouts are single gender organizations and work well without a hitch. If an organization decides to be single gender, I have no problem with that.

  2. I don't believe single-gender education is correct for today's mixed society. The purpose of education is half academics and half sociability. If one expects individuals to successfully operate within society/working environments, I don't believe it is effective to cut them off from situations where they learn to interact with the opposite gender. To me this has a similar consequence as separating students by race, religion, belief, etc. If made a group is made a mystery to a student, there is a larger chance that they will grow up to not be comfortable around that group.

    1. I would have not thought so ten years ago but now, I see that it may be a good idea for some students. In my observations of teaching at the middle school level for 18 years now, I really do think that students may do better if they were seperated by gender. Overall, there is a huge load of drama that intercepts its way into general learning environment. I think that students really need to focus on their overall social skills development as well. So, I would consider the development of a school site that seperated students based on gender, for the academic portion of the day but implemented social activities in order to provide opportunities for students to learn and practice social skills and interactions.

  3. I'm neutral towards single gender schools. I think that schools should model society. Students need to learn how to collaborate in a diverse setting, so single-gender schools would take that learning experience away from them. However, my dad attended an all boys school and he turned out all right...

  4. I am against single gender schools. I don't feel that it is the right environment for students because I as a future teacher I get the sense of community means learning to be around all genders of all different ethnicities. I feel that single gender schools is not useful if we are only in an eviornment full of one gender.

  5. I am against the. I think that its important that boys and and girls coexist peacefully, and schools are the one place where that happens on a regular basis. Plus. school would be boring without girls.

  6. Well I remember reading a study which showed that women do better in single gender schools early on. While I believe it's important for students to be exposed of different genders, nationalities and cultures, students might benefit from this time of class for a certain amount of time.

  7. I've never had any experience with single-gender schools. I think both genders should have experience with learning together, treating each other with equity and respect, and learning to collaborate together. The more diverse, the better.

  8. I guess I'd say I'm neutral on single-gender schools. I don't have any personal experience with one, but it seems like they are a good option for some students at some points in their lives or situations. To remove them altogether might be potentially limiting -- options are good!

  9. Personally, I do not like the concept of single-gender schools. I think they are a good idea in the sense that they keep children more focused on their studies, and can also keep them out of trouble. However, I believe that boys and girls need to co-exist and learn how to interact with one another. If this does not happen at a young age, then how are they expected to interact when they are out in the real world?

  10. I don't really have a preference. I guess if I would have to choose I would say I am against them. I think everybody should learn from an early age to coexist and realize that everybody is equal. Students don't get the same experiences, good or bad, if they are kept separated.

  11. I would say that I am neutral in my stance on single-gender schools. I think that it is good for students and parents to have options. I do not have any personal experience, but I do have friends who have gone to single-gender schools and they have cherished their experiences. I think it's a great thing to have options because some students might benefit from the experience more than others.

  12. I feel that there is both pros and cons to single-gender schools. I personally would never want to attended a single-gender school.

  13. My opinion about single-gender schools is definitely neutral. I think there are many positive academic factors that go in to separating students based on gender when there is less social distractions. However, I do think that it is very important for students to interact in an environment that is similar to the real world, so they need situations where they are not separated. I think it can depend on the specific student and what is best for them.

  14. Personally I think single gender schools are not a good idea. I believe students should be able to freely interact with other students of the opposite gender. Mixed gender schools allows students to be better prepared for social interaction in the world outside of education.

  15. Separate gender schooling is not common. However, I think there are great attributes to separated learning. I do not have this perspective because of academics, but more because of interpersonal relationships. When girls and boys are developing along side one another, each gender has the opportunity to be a distraction to the other. In schooling, academics should be the focus, with no room for distractions.

  16. I have mixed feelings about single gendered schools. If the reason for putting your child in a single gendered school is because you dont want them to be distracted by the other sex, then I feel like that is not realistic at all. By the time they are in high school, and their hormones are raging- I think its important to understand how to find a balance. I also feel like its kind of torturous. I would have been miserable without boys, because girl are so catty.

    On the other hand, I understand that school is supposed to be for learning and not the social aspect, so I can see why some parents are motivated to enroll their students in one of these schools. If you think about when you enroll your toddlers in pre school and kindergarten, its so that they can learn to interact and get along with other children. So I feel like older kids should be treated the same way. Girls need to learn to get along with boys and vice versa. While I am happy this option exists for the parents that feel strongly about single gendered schools, I dont think I would choose this option for my children.

  17. I like the idea; I think that single gender schools take many distractions away from the students. Schooling no longer is focused around appearances and social actions but instead is focused on learning and succeeding. There are many wrong ways to implement single gender schooling but I believe that it is a good idea in theory. I would say that only high school level and above schools should attempt single gender programs. Younger students need the experience around other genders to grow and learn.

  18. My only personal experience with single gender situations was my freshman year in college. I was attending Pacific Lutheran University in Washington State, and thought it would be fun to join the all girls dorm as a way to meet some new girlfriends at my new school. I ended up not enjoying the experience, the girls all ended up being really snotty to each other after awhile. I think this may be the case in single gender school situations as well. I think the diversity is needed...

  19. Although I am personally against single-gendered schools, I would not discourage one's attendance of a single-gendered school. I never attended an all-girl school, although I did attend a Catholic Private School. Growing up, I always really enjoyed interaction with boys. Everyone learns differently, one aspect of learning is the environment in which this occurs. If having one or multiple genders in an academic setting helps someone learn, I encourage it!

  20. I think it's a little bit ridiculous for us to provide an education which limits exposure to those different than us. It feels too much like a form of segregation. If the purpose is to avoid certain interactions between those of different genders then we are putting off learning how to be around the opposite gender in one of our most social environments growing up.

  21. When it come to single gender schools i stay fairly neutrel. I feel that there are pro and cons to single gender schools. Some pro's would be that it would take out the distraction and curiosity kids get of the opp sex. Some con's would be that mixing genders are more of a real life setting for the children.

  22. I attended a Catholic all girls' school my junior year of high school. I did not like the school overall. I am not catholic and I did not have much else in common with my classmates. However, I found not have boys on campus allowed me to not stress about what I looked like.

  23. I have attended mixed-gender schools all of my life so I can't really give a fair assessment of whether or not single-subject schools are better. However, I can say that the friends that I met in college, who had attended either an all girls school or an all boys school, loved it. I was surprised to hear that---I guess I had expected my friends to say they disliked it because they were separated from the opposite sex. Instead they expressed many positive aspects such as: not having to worry about appearance as much (they wore uniforms), less distraction from the opposite sex, and forming strong bonds with their peers. Essentially they claimed that this was true because they didn't have the kinds of conflict that take place on a regular basis in mixed gender schools.

  24. I have never gone to a single-gendered school, but my friends in college that were from single-gender had a hard time adjusting. I think the option should be available, but it was never for me.

  25. My mom went to an all girl's school. It was cool to hear her class was a green tie. They had pride in dressing for their class instead of social pressure. They had dances with the local all boys school. I see the advantages. I went to a coed Catholic school. There was a lot of boy/girl drama, but it helped to learn to deal with the opposite sex before the "real world" of serious relationships.

  26. I have attended mix gender schools all of my life. I think diversity is needed and in my opinion I don't really like the idea of single gender schools. Students need to learn how to deal with the opposite sex.

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